Paver-Grate® System with integrated frame for decorative cast grate

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  • IRONSMITH Tree Grate Series Paver-Grate® allows for a standard cast tree grate to be incorporated flush with the finish grade
  • Frame is fully height adjustable to allow for variations in paver height
  • 4, 5 and 6 foot Paver-Grate® tree grates use a standard 24″ square or round grate
  • Larger sizes may use 24″ or 36″ grates
  • Custom sizes, shapes and styles can be provided.
  • Note: If specifying Paver-Grate® for Buy America project use aluminum tree grates



IRONSMITH can easily build custom assemblies to fit your design parameters. Please contact our Design Department for full details on the extensive options for this system

USA made from US produced steel available to comply with Buy America provisions. Additional costs apply be sure to specify "Buy America" when requesting quote.