Radius Trench Grates
Curved Trench Grates and Frames are an IRONSMITH specialty.

- Any radius, width, style, material*
- IRONSMITH has been custom making Radius Trench Drains and Frames for two decades. We have mastered the art of making these systems.
- We provide an easy to install system of matched grates and frames that are custom made to fit the exact radius you require.
- Our expertise, gained over the decades, has enabled us to produce accurate systems, economically and with short lead times.
- H-20 Vehicular rating available in select sizes and design styles.
* cast gray iron, ductile iron, aluminum, copper alloys
There are no installation directions at this time.

IRONSMITH can easily build custom assemblies to fit your design parameters. Please contact our Design Department for full details on the extensive options for this system
USA made from US produced steel available to comply with Buy America provisions. Additional costs apply be sure to specify "Buy America" when requesting quote.