Tree Grates
IRONSMITH has the the largest selection of small opening ( less than 1/2″) tree grates. We have over thirty standard sizes across our product line and are always happy to make the size you need if you don’t see it.
We readily do custom grates without extended lead times.
Slot Size
IRONSMITH offers tree grate styles in 1/4″, 3/8″ and 1/2″ opening widths. 1/4″ and 3/8″ openings offer greater protection for spike style high healed shoes. 1/2″ slot widths are the American’s with disabilities Act maximum for gratings in the “accessible pathway” set by the U.S. Access Board
Tree Grates Up Lights
Night illumination adds an exciting dimension to the natural beauty of trees, so many grate designs are available with light wells as an option. Removable covers allow for the installation of sub grade lighting units (as indicated in the specification table for each tree grate). Clear Polycarbonate (Lexan™ )covers are also available on special request. Lightwells can also be used as access ports for irrigation etc. You can find grate options with light wells by selecting it as a criteria in our SEARCH feature.
New Tree grate Luminaire: IRONSMITH is the first to offer an in grate low voltage up light specifically designed to work with our tree grates. TGL SERIES UPLIGHT
Safety Standards
All of our castings meet the standards for class 35B gray iron per ASTM A48. Tests of specific loads on specific grates can be performed if contractually required. The coefficient of friction of IRONSMITH cast iron grates is well within the safety standards established by the Ceramic Tile Institute, and ADA. Pedestrian proof grates are offered to meet every requirement
Finish and Materals
All of IRONSMITH tree grates are available in cast iron, aluminum, or bronze and can be provided in a wide range of finishes. Click here for more information
Many of our designs allow the tree opening to be enlarged in increments to accommodate tree growth, protecting the tree from injury. Grates that are expandable will have the expansion sizes listed under “TREE OPENING” in their data base listing. Exceptionally large openings are available on some or can be custom ordered to accommodate large trees such as palms. If you have a particular opening requirement you can use our SEARCH feature to search for a grate by tree opening size.
Tree Grates and the A.D.A.
The American’s with Disabilities Act does not specifically address tree grates. The relevant section 302.3 addresses gratings within the “accessible pathway”. Such gratings should have openings not greater than 1/2″ wide with slots perpendicular to the general direction of travel and have a coefficient of friction at least 0.6 on flat surfaces and 0.8 on ramps.
The U.S. Access Board has issued a new Accessible Rights-of Way Design guide. We recommend it to anyone designing streets.
The Design guide has this to say regarding tree grates: “Metal gratings are of particular concern to pedestrians who use walking aids. When wet, the grids can be extremely slippery, and the elongated openings can become a sliding track for the tip of a crutch or cane. Slip-resistant finishes or nonmetallic materials are available at additional cost for installations where the location or extent of exposed gratings may pose a problem for pedestrians, such as on pedestrian bridges and overpasses. Where possible, gratings and similar sidewalk fittings should be located off the travel path. Note, however, that “tree gratings–unless part of the pedestrian circulation route— need not meet surfacing provisions.” (quoted text U.S. Access Board / bold highlighting ours)

IRONSMITH can easily build custom assemblies to fit your design parameters. Please contact our Design Department for full details on the extensive options for this system
USA made from US produced steel available to comply with Buy America provisions. Additional costs apply be sure to specify "Buy America" when requesting quote.